Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Endless Love

Our book club book that I just picked up from the library today. Looking forward to diving deep into the text with a hot cup of tea tonight!

My engagement ring, reminding me that we have just hit the 3-month mark until our wedding day!

A sweet little notebook with a powerful quote.

My favorite new accessory from Catbird. I can't wait to add more dainty vibrant rings from Catbird to my collection. I never take my ring off!

Two roses from my Valentines Day bouquet that I decided to pull out and dry.
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  1. Your ring is gorgeous! Congratulations and have fun shopping for your honeymoon... Joie, Joie, Joie! :-)


  2. I LOVE this book!! I read it a few years back, and then I had to read all of her other books, too! Check them out! Beautiful engagement ring :) Congrats!



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